Thank you to all the girls that came out today for our first round of tryouts. Below you will find the list of all the girls that are currently in the program along with the new adds. If you see your name below, your name will be submitted to the counseling department and you will be moved into the off season girls basketball PE class once school begins. If off season basketball does not appear on your schedule once you receive your schedule at registration, please see Coach Clarkson that day in the Media Center.
If you do not see your name below, you will have another opportunity. The tentative date for the second tryout is August 28th. Once that date is confirmed, it will be posted on the website along with the location and time.
- Taylor Nesbitt 12
- Madison Rodriguez 12
- Isabelle Kouyoumdjian 11
- Jenny Kouyoumdjian 11
- Erika Maggard 11
- Tiffany Nguyen 11
- Rachel Yamato 11
- Simrah Ahmad 10
- Jaden Cabrera 10
- Sarah Hamidi 10
- Cynthia Ju 10
Krista Lao 10 - Leilanee Ramirez 10
- Corina Silverstein 10
- Kathleen Wassernan 10
- Elyse Arragon 9
- Ashley Cheng 9
- Alexa Dorado 9
- Anna Jensen 9
- Averi Nguyen 9
- Deann Serron 9