Our football program is the best around do to our coaches, team and parents! Please sign up to volunteer to do as little as drive to a passing league game or be a coordinator! We appreciate all the help!
Lead Football Rep
Melissa Hutton
Varsity Reps
Felicia Ploof
Kelly Jones
Monique Skahan
JV Rep
- JV Parent Needed
Frosh Rep
- Frosh Parent Needed
Fundraising Committee
Francheska Anderson
Jeremy & Erin Welles
Brian & Melanie Lucas
Rhonda & Eddie Infante
Monique Skahan
Kelly Jones
Tom & Felicia Ploof
Clark & Melissa Hutton
Hovig Ayvazian
Program Book
Francheska Anderson
Erin Welles
Snack Bar Leads
Misty Razey
Angela Perry
Morning Lift Snack
Melissa Hutton
Passing League Coordinator
- JV or Varsity Parent Needed
Hell Week Lunches Coordinator
- JV & Varsity Parent Needed
Kick-Off BBQ Coordinators
Rhonda Infante
Picture Day Coordinators
- Two Parents Needed
Spirit Packs & Warrior Wear
Felicia Ploof
Blitz Night
Melissa Hutton
Chain Gang Coordinator
Mike Anderson
Car Wash
Tom Ploof
Field Coordinator for all Level Games
Varsity Game Photographer
Greg Satchfield
Varsity Pre-Game Snack Coordinator
Varsity Team Dinner Coordinators
Felicia Ploof
Kelly Jones
Senior Night Coordinator
- JV Parent Needed
Booster Rep
Tom Ploof
Camp Bushido
Clark Hutton
Website Maintenance
Francheska Anderson